Control Methods

For mosquito abatement, Tangipahoa Mosquito Abatement District #1 (TMAD) uses an IPM approach. 

IPM stands for Integrated Pest Management, which simply means that multiple control measures are used instead of a single method. TMAD utilizes Education, Source Reduction, Biological Controls, Larviciding and Adulticiding.

Though some of these methods are limited to Mosquito Control Districts, all of us can take steps to reduce the amount of mosquito breeding sites where we live. Keep in mind that one female can lay 250 eggs in one batch and within one week those can turn into 250 adult mosquitoes in your backyard. Proper source reduction benefits us all.

We will be happy to provide labels and safety data sheets of current products in use upon request. Please call 985-543-0454 or email to request this information.

Welcome to our new blog!
Lyndon Wu
/ Categories: Blog

Welcome to our new blog!

  • Authored by Dennis Wallette
    May 12, 2020

A new look, and new interaction

As you may have noticed, we have completely overhauled our website. We hope that you will find it a more informative and streamlined experience. We have added many new features. One that we think will be popular is a new signup form for citizens wishing to be notified for certain things that have been scheduled for their area. Another new feature is this blog. Each month, look for a new column that will discuss a new topic, or perhaps revisit something with additional information. Topics will cover many wide-ranging subjects—some will feature the basics of mosquitoes and our methods to control them. There will also be blogs discussing current news stories relating to mosquitoes or mosquito-borne diseases.

We are both entomologists and will share the writing duties for these blogs. Our goal is to get a new one out each month (written alternately by each of us), but our hope is to get them out a little faster than that. We have a loose schedule for the topics that we will cover, but feel free to send us an email if you think you have something that you think would be of interest to others.
