Adulticiding is the process of controlling mosquitoes when they are adults. Adult female mosquitoes are the ones that bite, so ultimately they provide the largest threat to the public welfare. Adulticiding is necessary because larviciding is not 100% effective and sites may be unknown. Also, there are areas that we cannot treat, therefore, mosquitoes have the opportunity to develop without interference.
Adulticiding can provide temporary control of mosquitoes in a given area, but is not practical as the only method of control. Adulticides are used to control adult mosquitoes, prevent the spread of disease and improve the quality of life for people. Only EPA approved adulticides are used and will degrade rapidly under normal conditions.
Ultra Low Volume (ULV) sprayers are mounted on trucks and will be seen spraying throughout the district. This begins at sunset (generally the peak time for mosquito activity) and continues into the evening as weather permits. Sprayers are carefully calibrated to apply the correct material according to the directions on the label.